Fixed an issue with the scoring event where Black Leader was displayed when the player gained score with the 元-37 Co-Pilot skill.
Fixed an issue where using "Coaxium Injection" ability would display a placeholder text under the ability UI.
Fixed an issue where Lando's Falcon ability Enhanced Sensors played globally.
Increased total health (hull + shield): (4500→5000).
Increased cooldown time for cloak to 20 from 15.
Made regeneration cooldown stop while being in cloak mode = You can't regen while cloaking and it will resume the count down to regen when you get out of it again.
Fixed an issue where the audio lines for Young Han Solo's abilities Shoulder Charge and Sharpshooter were mixed up.
Fixed an issue on PC where the player got concussed by the grenade when the grenade was deployed within less than 20 meters.
Fixed an issue where Darth Vader's Intensified Lightsaber Throw displayed wrong information about the bonus damage granted.
Fixed an issue where the lip-sync for the "Interrupting" Lando emote was off on his new appearances.
Fixed an issue where Bossk's dioxis could damage players inside the AT-AT.
Fixed an issue where Chewbacca's Charge Slam could last indefinitely if the player rolled and fired at the same time while the ability was active.